Upcoming Undying SP map pack

Gibdo and TheCrazyGerman are still working on the map pack entitled "FamilyGrave". They have been working on it since August 2001 and it seems like the last episode of the map pack will be done in the not so far future, maybe before "Duke Nukem" is released ;-)) There has 11 maps that have been completed so far. Expect a total of about 16 maps.

The maps play inside and outside the family mansion of the Galloways. That's right, Patricks home! Expect some scary experience. The focus of the map pack will be a combination of horror effects and story driven gameplay. Gibdo is responsible for the mapping; TheCrazyGerman is writing the horror story, on which the map pack is based upon.

Be prepared - the horror will return to the Irish homeland soon!

[O] Screenshots from Family Grave by Gibdo & The Crazy German