Community Maps - Family Grave by Gibdo and The Crazy German

Map Name: Family Grave
Author: Gibdo and The Crazy German
Release Date: 2nd May 2002
File Size: 16.5 MB

[O] Family Grave by Gibdo and The Crazy German

Hints and Tips

- There is NO SCRYE AVAILABLE in this mappack, because in the whole game you don't have the Gel'Ziabal stone. But don't worry, use other light sources like lightning strikes to find a way through the mansion.

- It is sometimes better to run from a creature than to fight it!

- Quicksave often, because the creatures may appear in uncommon places!

- Always be sure what to do, so please read the Journal Entries carefully, otherwise you won't catch all the details of the story!

- The house itself can be dangerous! Be warned!

- Play in a dark room! FG has very dark maps, so enjoy them in the right way!

- Children beware, the story is not suitable for kids under 18!

- Some hot places ARE hot places, although there is actually snow IN them. ;-)) Just a hint if you need one ;-))

- and the most important thing is: whatever happens... whatever may lurk in the shadows and scratches with iron claws... DON'T PANIC!!!


Click on an image to view the larger version.

Download Instructions

Download Family Grave. Since Family Grave is a 16 MB download, we've broken it up into smaller segments: 1of4, 2of4, 3of4, 4of4.

Family Grave has been compressed using Winzip. After unzipping there should be 26 files including the readme file. Please read the readme file first for further instructions on where to extract the files and how to play the map.